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By Tatjana Dzamov |

Microneedling Aftercare Instructions

What To Do After Your Microneedling Treatment

Microneedling Aftercare Instructions

Microneedling 美容手术是否包括使用一种设备在皮肤上巧妙地打小洞. 这些微伤触发了皮肤的自然愈合反应, which results in improved skin texture, firmness and overall appearance. 虽然这种非手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网在很大程度上是安全的,而且大多数患者都能很好地耐受, it’s important to follow proper microneedling aftercare instructions 以尽量减少任何潜在的副作用,并确保最佳的,长期的效果.

When Should I Wash My 脸 After Microneedling? 

It is safe to clean the treated area with a gentle, 无香味洁面乳,可在8小时后清除任何细菌或杂质. Avoid using harsh soaps or scrubs that can irritate the skin. 在此期间不应使用含有视黄醇和乙醇酸的产品. 

“For the first 3 days and nights, 我有一些澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台根据他们的特殊情况使用一种特殊的医疗级护肤产品——白天除了防晒霜就没有别的了. 我们提供的产品不是你可以在亚马逊上买到的!”

Tatjana Dzamov

Creating a custom microneedling skincare regimen

Can I Take A Shower After Microneedling? 

澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后24至48小时内避免洗热水澡或泡澡, as this can irritate the skin. Instead, opt for lukewarm water and a gentle cleansing routine. Patients should also avoid saunas for the same reason. 

What Type Of Sunscreen Is Best After Microneedling? 

经过微针澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后,皮肤很可能对紫外线辐射更敏感. 戴上帽子或涂上SPF至少为30的广谱防晒霜,以免患处暴露在阳光下. We strongly advise against chemical sunscreens. Mineral sunscreens are always best. 

Can I Work Out After Microneedling? 

澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后48 - 72小时再进行任何剧烈的体力活动, as this can irritate the skin. If you have to get some sort of physical activity in, 你可以轻快地散步,这样可以提高心率,但不会出汗. Sweat will burn and can result in blistering. 

“一些患者的常见反应是想要在最近澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网过的部位抓痒. 你绝对应该避免这样做,因为它可能会引入细菌, 增加感染风险,延长恢复过程.”

Tatjana Dzamov

What Should I Eat After My Treatment? 

Just as hydration was important while preparing for your microneedling treatment, a solid increase in water intake is recommended after. 均衡的饮食应该足以帮助你及时恢复. 然而, if you’re looking to make modifications to aid in the process, we suggest adding more protein-rich foods, 控制你的血糖,获得特殊的伤口愈合维生素和矿物质的天然来源, such as iron, 锌, 维生素A, C和K, antioxidants, probiotics and fish oil. 

Can I Drink After Microneedling?

是的,你可以在微针后喝酒,但不建议这样做. Alcohol can dehydrate the skin, 哪种药物会减缓愈合过程,增加副作用的风险, including redness, 瘙痒, 和肿胀. 另外, alcohol can also weaken your immune system, 如果你的皮肤在微针澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网过程中被刺破,哪种会使你更容易感染.

在微针澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后至少24到48小时内最好避免饮酒. If you do choose to partake after microneedling, 重要的是要通过喝水来保持水分,避免摄入过量的水.


如果有过敏反应,澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台应该立即打电话给他们的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网提供者, 皮疹, 肿胀, infection or pain. 不要试图用家庭方法来解决问题,因为其中许多方法实际上会使问题恶化. 

“The more control your provider has, 他们就越能准确地指出未来可能出现的并发症. 如果你遵循为你制定的恢复计划,你仍然会遇到刺激或反应, the provider should be able to diagnose the issue immediately.”

Tatjana Dzamov

What Additional Treatments Can Prolong My Microneedling Results? 

  • 光环: To address fine lines, sun damage & uneven skin tone.
  • 洗液: To address pigmentation concerns & 雀斑
  • Morpheus8: For greater skin tightening & 电梯

重要的是要认真对待适当的护理和后续的护肤方案,以尽量减少任何潜在的副作用,确保令人难以置信, long-term results from your microneedling treatment.

About The Author

Tatjana Dzamov 是唐纳森整形外科的资深医学美学专家. She specializes in skincare, microblading, 面部护理和一整套额外的美容服务在我们 Columbus, Ohio medspa. When she isn’t treating patients, 她正在为他们提供进一步的教育,告诉他们如何在家最好地澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网皮肤. Tatjana在我们的实践研究过程中扮演着至关重要的角色,因为我们希望扩大我们的美容澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网目录,她已经建立了 her own skincare product line

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